"Surfer's Code" es un libro que consta de 12 lecciones sobre como afrontar la vida.Saun Tomson muestra en este libro las lecciones que le dio la vida desde sus aventuras de infancia en Sudafrica pasando por sus años de profesional en el tour hasta su actual faceta de hombre de negocios.Para Tomson el surf es un hobby,un deporte y una forma de vida.Sus lecciones vitales le han guiado en su vida tanto como surfer profesional como en el mundo de los negocios.
"I tell people that I didn’t develop or create the code. I simply wrote down what was out there all the time in my heart and in the hearts of many surfers, always there but sometimes overlooked. I like to think the code was always there, a part of every surfer’s life, unspoken maybe, but in our hearts, ever since the ancient Polynesians started surfing so many thousands of years ago"
Shaun Tomson
Shaun Tomson
I will never turn my back on the ocean: Passion
- I will paddle around the impact zone: No short cuts
- I will take the drop with commitment: Courage, focus and determination
- I will never fight a rip tide: The danger of pride and egotism
- I will always paddle back out: Perseverance in the face of challenges
- I will watch out for other surfers after a big set: Responsibility
- I will know that there will always be another wave: Optimism
- I will ride and not paddle into shore: Self-esteem
- I will pass on my stoke to a non-surfer: Sharing knowledge and giving back
- I will catch a wave every day, even in my mind: Imagination
- I will realize that all surfers are joined by one ocean: Empathy
- I will honor the sport of kings: Honor and integrity
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