jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Between the Horns

What brought Mick Fanning to Caribbean backwaters more commonly inhabited by turtle poachers and tax evaders? Sure, it’s a quick hit from the States, but the 14-plus-hour, multi-flight shuffle from Fanning’s Coolangatta home makes it an unlikely destination for the world champ. That said, there was the alluring promise of a reef that cops the Caribbean’s signature blend of short-period swell and fickle wind to glorious ends. It’s slabby—a less appealing proposition for the layman, and a formidable challenge for even a seasoned tube-hound such as Fanning. The shifty peaks inspired more than a momentary scouring of the lineup for The One: “It was actually really difficult to surf,” said Fanning. “It would have been great if we had a jet-ski. It’s like the inside bowl at Sunset—hard to be in the right spot and to get into it.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, Fanning did pin down the right spot. Below is the highlight reel from his Caribbean jaunt, as documented by Taylor Steele.

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