miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014


Back in February, Jordy Smith married Lyndall Jarvis at The Grand Beach Cafe in Cape Town, presumably to the soundtrack of Jagged Edge’s Let’s Get Married. Jordy wore grey Hugo Boss, Lyndall came as her flawless self in the ivory dress to rule them all, and it was a delightful ceremony. Pre-wedding, Lyndall was one of South Africa’s most well-known models. And since getting married, not much has changed. Girl still very much got it, and features on the cover of this month’sMaxim Magazine.
Anastasia Ashley featured in Maxim recently too. The surfing world sure is a good place to cherry pick pretty faces for the magazines and the internets.
And while we’re here, Jordy bought a house in San Clemente with Lyndall. It’s immaculate. The most organised place you ever did see – the garage contains boxes labelled “Red Bull” or “O’Neill”, and there’s a dedicated container for tailpads (already pulled from their packaging). They also have a curved TV that cost $5k. And the best thing? Since Jordy ain’t a US citizen and couldn’t get a bank loan, he just opted to pay cash instead of dealing with the paperwork. Stab applauds Jordy’s lack of restraint when it comes to things he wants. And that includes Lyndall.


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